We surveyed over 3000 people with Parkinson's to understand what social, dietary and lifestyle factors are associated with the slowest and fastest rates of progression. We also analyzed the correlation between nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals and PD symptom severity.
We surveyed 1700+ people with PD from around the world and the people with the most severe PD symptoms report eating more of the food in red (top). The people who accumulated the fewest symptoms over time at more of the foods in green (bottom).
Try to mimic the behaviors of the people with PD who are doing incredibly well.
Work with a naturopathic doctor, registered dietician, or certified nutritionist for personalized help.
We surveyed over 1500 people with Parkinson's disease. Of all the variables in the study, loneliness was the single strongest predictor of PD progression. Friendships, not tremor, predicted one's quality of life.
Not all therapies come in the form of a pill or procedure. Reach out to your community, ask for help, and be of service to others.
We surveyed over 1500 people with Parkinson's disease. The more people consumed the items in green, the fewer symptoms they reported over time. The more they consumed the items in red, the greater they rated the symptom severity.
We surveyed over 1500 people with Parkinson's disease and inquired about their exercise habits and their symptoms. The more days per week people reported exercising, the fewer symptoms they reported over time. The benefit of exercise was only statistically significant if people were doing at least 3 days/week. People that identified as overweight reported greater symptom severity.
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